Are Copywriters The New Travel Agents?
While travel agents are still on duty and a truly valuable asset, they no longer exist in the numbers, they once did. Yet travel suppliers still need to sell their offering to travelers. This begs the question – are copywriters the new travel agents?
Back in the day
In the 80’s, when I was a young sales representative for a tour company, there was no need for a GPS. There were so many travel agencies that all you had to do was tell me the name of your nearest travel agency, and I could find your location.
The traditional distribution highway rolled like this: Supplier -> Travel Agent -> Traveler. Try to alter that route and all kinds of challenges would arise. However, airline commission caps, the Internet, and “9/11” were the hammer that smashed that chain and forever changed the distribution channel. As a result, for better or worse, the majority of today’s travel is sold directly to the traveler by the supplier. There are a number of conduits to these suppliers, but by far the most common is the Internet.
Try to sell travel without words
Imagine, you are considering taking a nice vacation to the Caribbean. You search your options, settle on an island, and then bring up the website of the perfect hotel. However, one major component is missing. While there are beautiful pictures of the property and its surrounds, there are no words. In fact, you can’t even navigate the site because the menu bar is devoid of words. Checking for flight times, you are met with the same conundrum; no words.
So, where are all the words? Well, without copywriters, everything stops. Words capture, cajole, direct, and complete the entire picture. Quite simply, without properly crafted words on a website, travelers will never buy into the offering of any airline, airport parking operation, car rental company, cruise operator, destination, hotel or resort, rail line, travel activity company, travel service, tour operator, or yacht charter.
Using the wrong words
Sure, anyone can wave their hands in front of an orchestra, but not everyone is able to bring such an ensemble to musical perfection. Words are more persnickety than even the most demanding, high-maintenance musician. If your website, brochure, or blog is what stands between you and paying bills and related financial freedom, never leave the production of your copy to an amateur writer. Let management manage, web designers design and well-intentioned friends remain your friends. Invest in a professional travel copywriter because without them, your world is silent.